Chemical industry
Signaling devices for extreme conditions
The chemical and petrochemical industry has special demands for the use of signaling devices. In the chemical industry, gases, which are highly flammable, can be produced. Therefore, signaling devices must meet certain requirements, protection classes and certificates. Signaling devices used in the oil and gas industry must meet similar requirements. There, flammable gases and vapors (Zone 0,1 & 2) or combustible dust (Zone 20, 21 & 22) can create explosive atmospheres. This can be a continuous, frequent, occasional or rare condition. The signaling device must be designed and constructed in such a way, that the use of the device does not produce a spark nor any other dangerous condition that could trigger an explosion. Explosion-proof signaling devices from Auer Signal meet these requirements and are highly mechanically stable, maintenance-free and do not include wearing parts.